Defining Certificate Templates

In CertiShop, the process of defining certificate templates is both flexible and compliant with established standards. Issuers can freely design and customize their certificates using our template editor, which allows them to define both fixed and dynamic attributes for their digital certificates.

How the Template System Works

When an issuer creates a certificate template using the CertiShop web interface, the backend stores this information in a structured schema that adheres to the Verifiable Credential (VC) format of OpenID 4VC or to any other format chosen by the issuer.. This ensures that all certificates issued from this template will be compliant with global standards for verifiable credentials, making them tamper-proof and cryptographically secure.

Here’s a breakdown of the template structure:

  1. Fixed Attributes: These are predefined text fields that are static for every certificate issued from this template. Examples of fixed attributes include the certificate title, the organization name, and the date of issue.

  2. Placeholders (Dynamic Attributes): These fields are dynamic and change for each recipient of the certificate. Known as Attestations, these placeholders are filled with specific information about each certified user when a certificate is issued. Examples include the recipient's name, their achievement, and unique certificate IDs.

Storage and Linking in the Backend

In the backend, WalliD CertiShop ensures that the complete structure and fields defined in the template editor are securely stored. This includes not only the fixed and dynamic attributes but also the visual structure of the certificate, such as images, logos, signatures, and other design elements.

Each certificate template is stored as part of the Certificate Authority's (CA's) data, allowing for consistent issuance of certificates based on the predefined template. The entire schema, which follows the OpenID 4VC format, is linked to the CA, ensuring that every certificate issued retains the same design and formatting.

When a certificate is issued, the dynamic placeholders (e.g., recipient's name, course details) are filled with the relevant user data, while the fixed attributes (e.g., organization name, date) and visual elements are preserved according to the template’s design. WalliD CertiShop reserves the appropriate space in the visual representation of the document for both fixed and dynamic fields, ensuring the certificate maintains its intended layout and aesthetic across all issuances. This allows for seamless, scalable issuance, where the integrity of the certificate's visual identity and data attributes are consistently maintained.

By storing both the data schema and visual structure together, WalliD CertiShop ensures that certificates issued by an organization not only remain compliant with verifiable credential standards but also retain a professional and branded appearance, helping to build trust and authenticity in the digital certificates.

Example of a Template Schema

Here’s an example of how a certificate template schema might look in the backend, following the OpenID 4VC format:

jsonCopy code{
  "template_id": "cert_template_001",
  "issuer_id": "CA_12345",
  "schema": {
    "attributes": {
      "title": "Certificate of Achievement",
      "organization": "Example University",
      "date_of_issue": "2024-09-25"
    "placeholders": {
      "recipient_name": "{RECIPIENT_NAME}",
      "course_name": "{RECIPIENT_COURSE}",
      "certificate_id": "{CERTIFICATE_ID}"

In this schema:

  • Fixed Attributes include the title of the certificate, the name of the issuing organization, and the date of issue. These remain the same for all recipients.

  • Placeholders are dynamic attributes, represented by double curly braces ({}). These placeholders will be replaced with the specific recipient’s data (such as their name and course) and a unique certificate ID when the certificate is issued.

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