Issue Certificates

Once you're inside a specific Certificate Dashboard, you can view the general information related to that certificate. From this dashboard, you can easily manage and issue certificates with the following options:

  • Issue Certificates: Begin issuing new certificates using the selected template.

  • View Issued Certificates: A table displays the status of all certificates issued, providing an overview of their current state (e.g., active, revoked).

  • Detailed Information: View detailed information for each individual certificate, including who it was issued to, when it was issued, and its current status.

  • Revoke Certificates: Revoke individual certificates as needed.

Issue a new Certificate

To issue a new certificate, click +Issue Certificates, where you’ll have two options:

  • Issue Certificates Manually: Manually fill in the unique attestations (e.g., recipient name, credentials) and send the certificate to a single user’s email address.

  • Issue Certificates in Bulk: Upload a file (e.g., CSV) containing the attestations for multiple recipients. CertiShop will automatically issue the certificates to all the listed users, sending them to their respective email addresses.

Issue Certificates Manually

Choosing this option will take you to a screen where your certificate template is displayed, and all the Placeholders you defined in the template editor will appear as input fields. These input boxes are where you fill in the unique data specific to the recipient of the certificate.

Once all placeholders are filled, click the Next button and provide the recipient’s email address. An automatic email containing the certificate will then be sent to the recipient.

Issue Certificates in Bulk

In this section, you can upload a file (.csv, .xls, or .json) to automatically fill in the dynamic placeholders with the unique data for each recipient.

To get started, click the Download Template File button. This will provide you with a file that contains an empty table with the PLACEHOLDERS defined in your template. You can then fill each row with the data for individual recipients.

Once the file is filled in, upload it and click the Next button to automatically issue and send the certificates to all the recipients listed in the file.

Last updated