
You will need to set up an application with Google social login provider to get the App ID and Secret which will be required in the config Dashboard.

Note: To generate Google Client ID and Client Secret you must be signed into a Google account.

How to get Google Client ID and Client Secret?

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console -> Sign in into your Google account

  2. Click on the dropdown Select a project-> New project

  1. Enter your Project name and location -> Click on the Create button

  1. Click OAuth consent screen on the left side menu -> Choose User type -> Click on the Create button

  1. Add Application name , Support email , Authorised domain, Developer content information -> Click on the Save and continue button.

  1. Complete all 4 steps on OAuth consent screen in the left side bar menu -> Click on the Back to Dashboard button

  1. Go to Credentials in the left side menu -> Click on the Create credentials button -> Select OAuth client ID from the dropdown list

  1. Open the dropdown list Application type -> Select Web application -> Enter the name of your OAuth

  1. Enter your site URL in Authorised JavaScript origins -> in Authorised redirect URIs, enter the page URL where you wanted your users redirected back after they have authenticated with Google -> Click on the Create button.

  1. Copy your Client ID and Client secret

  1. Paste your Client ID and Client secret into the corresponding fields in the WalliD config Dashboard.

Last updated